Sunday, October 23, 2016

As the 12th season of Grey's Anatomy moves towards its Finale, I feel sad and relieved at the same time. Sad, because I won't be seeing many of my favorite characters for another year. And relieved, because I will finally be free of all the emotional drama and chaos that this season consisted of. Some of the characters I have come to love over the years have behaved in a very strange fashion. e.g. Miranda Bailey. Her behavior on the first days she joined as the new Chief Of Surgery did not make sense to me at all. The Bailey I knew was confident but never arrogant. The other such character was of Ethan Hunt. I looked upon him as someone level-headed, cool and capable of thinking rationally. And yet, he not only refused to talk about his problems but lost his cool to the point of behaving unprofessionally. It is true, what the character of Martin Henderson says - family messes you up.

The women of the show were a total disappointment. I have already mentioned Bailey. I never cared much for Meredith - always thought of her as being erratic, emotionally unstable and completely disorganized as far as relations go. Probably her character was meant to be like that - given the kind of upbringing she has had. In this season, her emotional roller-coaster ride was too much for me. Thank God Derek is dead. He would have gone insane. :-) Amelia is even more chaos on the emotional side than Meredith - personally, I wouldn't have thought it was possible for anyway to be so. April seems to be overreacting to everything. Jo was mean, stubborn and a pain throughout the season, though she has mellowed down a bit lately. Edwards talked too much, so did Maggie. Jackson's mom is a bitch, to put it plainly. And I don't want to comment on the whole Penny-Arizona-Callie drama because, frankly, I don't understand it.

The only two people who stand head and shoulders above the rest are Webber and Karev. Weber has slipped into the role of everyone's favorite uncle - you shout at him when you are down but he is the one everyone pours their hearts out to. And he always gives you a wise advice, whether you like it or not. He has done it for Jackson, for Arizona and for Bailey. I just wish he hadn't made the mistake of marrying Katherine Avery. The woman is more trouble than worth it. :-( And Karev is a friend to wish for if you ever see a falling star.

There were no interesting cases, complicated procedures or brilliant diagnoses in this season. I am getting tired of all the emotions, disagreements, tantrums and conflicts. I hope the focus shifts more to the medical aspect of the show in the next season.

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