Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Botanical Garden

We had seen this park/garden the day before but when the driver had asked us if we wanted to visit, we had declined. It seemed like a good idea to begin the 2nd day's sightseeing with this park.

It's a pretty huge area with lots of open spaces, greenery and flowers about. But what caught our attention were 3 separate groups - each containing a couple (newly-wedded from the looks of it!) and a photographer. The photographer would stop occasionally and ask the couple to pose against a tree here, a bush there. And some of the poses were so comic (to put it more plainly, suitable only in Hindi movies!) that it was all we could do not to burst into peals of laughter. I have no idea why would someone want to spend time, money and energy to do something like this. But hey, it takes all kinds to make this world, right?

Okay, so there isn't much to do here if you are not the 'can-wander-aimlessly' type. As soon as we left the couples and their photographers to their own devices, there wasn't a soul in sight - a sight for the sore eyes, at least for someone coming from a metro. So you can enjoy walking in solitude, play on the set of swings attached to 2 big trees, sit on the benches and listen to the bulbuls as they sing about in the trees. In short, just while away the time without wondering about where you have to go next. I badly needed this.

There is a shop just before the entrance/exit selling the usual suspects - halwa, homemade chocolates, sandalwood soaps and medicinal oils. As we had decided to visit the Munnar market place on our way back in the evening we just took a look and left.

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