Sunday, December 14, 2014

Spanish - Class XVII

Finally, it felt as if I am learning something new instead of just doing exercises after exercises. Honestly, I had to scramble to complete the homework last night because I didn't get time to do that over the past week. Unfortunately, only a part of that was covered during today's class.

So, back to the class. So today we learnt about the first irregular verb - Tener i.e. to have/to possess (nope, not the demonic kind, this is not supernatural for Heaven's sake!) and the uses of the same. I sure hope that these irregular verbs do have some method to the madness. If not, I am done for because I am already struggling with the ambiguities of SER and ESTAR. The next one was El Verbo Haber, which, thankfully, has just one conjugation - Hay. A couple of exerices later we read an email and could make sense of most of it :-)

No exam today and I suspect that we won't have one till the last session. I guess it is just the teacher's way of making sure that we do study every week. I ain't complaining. :-)

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