Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Elementary, AXN, 10pm

I wonder what the late Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's reaction would have been to the new Dr. Watson, who is not a He, but a She. And one who has oriental looks on top of that! As for me, I did a double take when I chanced upon an episode of 'Elementary' (Season 1) on AXN channel yesterday night. I doubt that it was the very first episode of the season but it was easy to follow the storyline.

If I think back about the original characters, Holmes was obviously the quicker of the duo. He would make deduction, completely stumping poor Dr. Watson in the process and then shell out the explanation for the same. It has been a few years since I read the original stories but from what I can remember, Dr. Watson's medical knowledge wasn't much apparent except to confirm that someone is dead. Holmes, though over-excited occasionally, would appear composed and methodical as he went about the business of solving the cases.

The new Holmes, however, seems perennially on edge, as if he has overdosed on cocaine. Somehow that gives an impression as if he is anxious to impress the world. The new Dr. Watson, on the other hand, sounds calmer and more practical rather than sentimental like her original counterpart. She also seems to be putting her sound medical knowledge to good use during the investigation. I must confess however that these changes, though difficult to digest for a die-hard Holmes fan, are nevertheless welcome.

So from here on, my 10pm is reserved solely for Holmes and Dr. Joan Watson. :-)

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