Saturday, June 15, 2013

It happened when I had read about halfway through the book. One day, just before going to bed, I closed the book and reached out to place it on the table when a small paper fluttered out of it. I had never noticed it before so I bent down to pick up and examine it. It seemed like a note written by someone. Intrigued, I read on. Here's the note.

And here's the transcribed version of it, to the best of my ability:

Dear Saachi,

Please ask your mum and dad for permission before you read this. I have no idea if it's okay for you to read! The other book is something I thought maybe useful. --- took a few books with him to England.

Love to all

I have put a --- where I was not able to figure out the name.

I wonder who wrote the note and for whom. Clearly, this Saachi is younger to the person who wrote the note because he is not sure that she should read this book. I wonder whether she ended up reading it or not. I wonder who took the pains of taking books all the way to England. I wonder which was the other book that the writer found useful. And I wonder if I will ever get answers to these questions.

So, if you are Saachi or the person who wrote this note and kept it in the used copy of 'Ruins', do get back to me :-)

Till then, this will remain a mystery within a mystery for me.

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