Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I am not an animal person. What I mean to say is that though I can admire cats and dogs and other animals from a safe distance, I can never think of petting them. I guess that's the reason why I should read the book 'Man Meets Dog' by Konrad Lorenz.

Oh well, here goes one more book in the list of books to be read on a rainy day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How can the human animal not be an animal person? Why such animosity? May be you are a creature of habit.
May be your imagination runs wild. Have you ever doggedly pursue your goals? Ever fly through the day, soared with joy? Ever been bullish about the market? Snake your way through busy street? Been lionized by someone? Felt like fish out of the water? Parrot the political party's line? Took somebody head on, and locked horns? Did your ever roar with joy, purr in aggreement, barked an order, snarled at the suggestion, gnawed by a thought, lapped the idea up, worked your tail off, or followed the herd? Then trust me, you are an animal person.