Sunday, October 14, 2012

McDonald's is not my choice of destination when it comes to lunch or dinner. I feel that their vegetarian menu doesn't have a lot of choices. And the non-veg one contains too much chicken for my taste. But the rest of the group wanted to eat there so I decided to go along. Once there, I had to settle for McSpicy chicken.

I was almost through the meal when, suddenly, out of the blue, I remembered the Leviathans (from the show Supernatural) and their evil plan to turn the entire human race into fat stores of meat to feast upon at their will. Their choice of weapon? Specially manufactured burgers! Try as I might, I couldn't think of anything else. Whatever was left of the burger in front of me turned even more unappetizing. I had to make a Herculean effort to finish it off and I did so just because I don't like to waste food.

Whatever the reason, I am glad that I am weaned off at least one type of junk food :-) 

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