Thursday, September 13, 2012

Tintin @ Sony Pix, 16th September -12pm and 4pm

'You mean to say you haven't read Tintin?' my friend Karthik had asked in shocked disbelief. 'No' I said, puzzled, wondering what I had missed. 'How?' he was still in shock. 'I don't know. I guess because I have done my entire schooling from a vernacular medium school?' I ventured. 'Then you must read it now' he said plucking a book off a shelf of our B School library (I guess they were kept there for the benefit of the students' children') and thrusting it in my hands.

'What? Are you nuts? Why would I want to read it now? You can't always make up for all the things that you have lost out on doing in your childhood, you know'.

'Who told you that Tintin is meant to be read only by kids?'

My common sense did. In fact it was practically screaming in my ears. But Karthik sounded very confident. So I checked the book out and have been an ardent Tintin fan ever since.

In case you are one from this club, tune in to Sony Pix this Sunday (16th September) at 12pm and 4pm. It is going to air 'The Secret Of The Unicorn'. :-)

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