Sunday, April 22, 2012

There is no telling what a not-so-routine spring-cleaning might churn out. Two days back, I stumbled across a copy of a student magazine that I had brought home from my Business School re-union a couple of years back. I guess I had never found time to read it through. This time, I dropped whatever I was doing and began leafing through it.

There were 'instant-nostalgia-inducing' photos of the campus. There was a truly hilarious article on different kinds of Maggie cooked up on campus. Then the usual ramblings about campus placement. One guy had written about how he turned his passion for sports into a job opportunity at his favorite organization (Such things happen only with others - without any exception!).

There was one article in which the author - a girl - had written about the thoughts that cross her mind when she sits down with a cup of tea. She once wondered about a book that she lost while shifting. This made me sit up. I remembered 'Oh Jerusalem!' - a book that was gifted by one of my best friends and which was lost along with many others when I moved from the US. :-(

The same article had some lines from 'Cold Tea Blues' which intrigued me enough to look them up on the net. Here they are. And a reference to Runglee Rungaliot led me here. :-)

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