Monday, March 26, 2012

Speaking of Karma, there is a story about Swami Vivekananda that I had come across a few days back. Once, one of Swamiji's disciples asked him "If people suffer hardships as per their Karma, then aren't we interfering with it by reaching out to help them?" Swamiji quickly replied "They suffer as the result of their Karma but it is your Karma to help them". Sounds pretty logical, huh?

I remembered this story because of something that happened yesterday. I was on my way to the library when suddenly a child of about 8-10 years, a boy, appeared in front of me on the road. He was one of those people who hit themselves with a whip and then ask for money. Now, when I see a child begging it is always a struggle between wanting to help him or her but not wanting to encourage begging at the same time. He hit himself with the whip with such a force that I jumped out of his way to avoid being lashed by the end of it. In confusion I just crossed the road. When I was on the other side I felt bad. Fine, I didn't want to give him any money but I could have easily bought some food - a pack of biscuits or a bottle of flavored milk and given it to him. That would have given him some nutrition. But I guess I didn't want people to start staring at me. :-(

All the way to the library I was kicking myself. But then the opportunity to help that kid was gone. Finally, I made peace with my mind by promising myself that if I see that kid again, I will give him some food - and won't give a damn about whosoever decides to stare at me.

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