Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Two Litte Girls In Blue - by Mary Higgins Clark

I had meant to read this one months back. Not sure why I missed it. It's about two 3-year old twins, Kathy and Kelly, who go missing from their home one night. The kidnappers demand a ransom. The father's company comes forward to pay it. But only one girl, Kelly, is returned to the parents by the kidnappers - along with the note that the other one, Kathy, was killed unintentionally. The thing that baffles both - the parents and the investigators - is the fact that Kelly keeps telling them that Kathy is alive and wants to come home. Is Kelly telling the truth? Or is this the child's way of dealing with the trauma of kidnapping?

I usually skim through the 'Acknowledgments' section of the book just to know who has contributed in bringing out the book. Most of the authors thank the publishers, editing team, subject matter experts, their spouses, siblings, kids, children, cats, dogs, friends, neighbors - a veritable list that can put an Oscar acceptance speech to shame! The 'Acknowledgments' section of this book was a bit different. Along with the usual 'Thanks's and 'I owe You's, there were a few references to books dedicated to twin telepathy. I include a list here not just for the benefit of whosoever is reading this post but also for my own reference:

Twin Telepathy: the Psychic Connection - by Guy Lyon Playfair
Entwined Lives - by Nancy L. Segal
Twin Tales: The Magic and Mystery of Multiple Births - by Donna M. Jackson
One Being A Twin - by Shannon Baker
Nature's Clones - Psychology Today by Jill Neimark

All in all, a good read but the suspects' list is rather short and each of them has a thin motive. That's why, almost right till the end, I wasn't sure who the Pied Piper could be. Of course, it is not difficult to arrive at the answer by process of elimination and that's what I ended up doing.

BTW, the title of this novel seems to have been borrowed from the song "Two Litte Girls In Blue". This delightful song can be heard here.

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