Friday, November 25, 2011

I am sitting down to browse through the Notes section of my mobile - sifting through the entries, trawling the internet for tidbits of information jotted down while reading a book or some newspaper article. I will note down some of them on this blog so I can maybe come back to them when I have some more time. And then I will delete them from my phone. This has become almost a monthly ritual now. Sometimes when I am jotting down these notes on the phone I wonder if I will ever have time to go through them in detail. It's akin to the feeling that I have when I thumb through the thick notebooks looking for a recipe from the thousands accumulated over the years. Will I ever try even 1% of these?

Oh well, let's hope for the best, shall we? So here's one such entry - a poem dedicated to curry by William Makepeace (rather an odd middle name, don't you think?) Thackeray. I was looking for the entire collection called 'Kitchen Melodies' which contains this poem. But I guess I will have to buy the book for that.

Do check it out if you are a curry fan :-)

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