Tuesday, January 4, 2011

There is no telling what kind of SMS will land up in your Inbox these days. Last week, I received this gem as I was about to step out of the office in the evening:

Scientific Spiritualist Pandita Srirama Sharma Acharya confirmed 21st century bright Future though many say Destruction in 2012. Join us

This was followed by 2 mobile numbers. BTW, the "F" in "Future" and "D" in "Destruction" were capital in the original SMS. I am not sure why. But then I have a few more questions:

1. What is meant by a Scientific Spiritualist? Was this adjective tacked on so the rest of us non-Spiritualists would think twice before dismissing what he is saying as mere "mumbo-jumbo"?

2. How exactly can one confirm the destruction or safety of the universe?

3. While I am happy to find that at least some of us will survive (along with taxes and politicians!) in 2012, I am still in the dark as to why I should be joining someone at the said numbers.

Do you think I should save this SMS so I will have someone to call and yell at if it starts looking like the world will actually come to an end in 2012? ;-)

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