Tuesday, December 28, 2010

3 more days to go and this decade will be over just like that! Has the life increased its pace these days or is it just an illusion?

This year-end too, like all past year-ends, I am hoping that, in the new year, I will somehow find time to learn a new language or a new cuisine, listen to more music, laugh more, read more and do things that I love to do.

But year-end, unlike all past year-ends,there is an extra awareness about death. Nothing morbid about it, just a consciousness that there are a lot of things that I need to do before death catches up with me and unless I go about it in a determined way, I will not get them done.

As if to further cement my resolution, I came across 2 couplets about the same:

जिन्दगीके दाम इतने गिर गये, कुछ गम नही
मौतकी गिरती हुई किमतसे घबराता हू मै
-- नीरज जैन

क्या भरोसा है जिन्दगीका
आदमी बुलबुला है पानीका

What more can I say?

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