Wednesday, September 22, 2010

All hell is breaking loose at the CWG venue - literally and figuratively! A day after the overbridge collapsed, a ceiling has caved in. Now there are suggestions to postpone the games till 2011.

What is the use of postponing if the same bunch of lousy jokers are going to be responsible for organizing the games? Postponing will make sense only if the meddling ministers, bureaucrats and other good-for-nothing minions are kicked out of the place. There will be many retired armed forces personnel who, if given charge of this situation, would make sure that the arrangements are impeccable. Let them create a medium to keep the common man informed about the progress. Let the Media take responsibility for pulling up people for any lousiness. Let the country make this a prestige issue and strive to only better things up from this point on. Otherwise it is a hopelessly lost cause - one which will damage India's reputation for years to come!

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