Friday, September 3, 2010


Really, Pakistan should be called "Absurdistan" instead of "Paranoidistan" now. They must be thinking of India all the time (as against thinking of God 5 times a day!) to see Her hand in everything that goes wrong. If there is a flood there, it is because India did something with the dams. Now that their players have been caught with their hands deep in the cookie jar, it is an Indian conspiracy.

The Pakistani authorities have been saying that the video isn't dated or timed so it could have been recorded after the match. Fair enough! But then what about the cash that was recovered from the players' rooms? Did it rain cash from the heavens or what? Or do they see an Indian connection here as well?

Can someone please tell these idiots that India has better things to do than try to sabotage a country which has been standing on the brink of disaster for the past 60+ years, thanks to their own leaders?

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