Wednesday, January 27, 2010

You take a day off , get out of the city, do sightseeing, eat to your heart's content and generally behave as if you don't have a care in the world. Then the holidays are over and you have to get back to office. you log in to your office mailbox and there are mails staring at you in the face. There are team members who are asking about the next task on their list. In short, you are dragged back, very violently, to the life that's paradoxically called "Normal".

I was in danger of falling in this trap today so I took half an hour yesterday evening to clear my mailbox as much as I could. And I sent mails to team members detailing their work for this week.

So when I logged in today morning, there weren't any mails in the mailbox and I could start my day peacefully, well almost :-)

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