Sunday, January 31, 2010

What's with the politicians and shoes? Can someone please tell me what's so big about the French President helping the US Secretary of State when she lost her shoe? Any sane person would have done the same. Any politician worth his/her salt would have done the same too. (yep, the two kinds need to be separately mentioned!). A failure to do so would have led to a diplomatic row, not to mention a field-day for the media who would have wondered what happened to "good-old chivalry".

I think it's as hilarious to call Mr. Sarcozy "The knight in shining armor" as it is to say that losing a shoe meant Ms. Clinton was in distress. Give them a break guys, they are human too (though it is hard to think of politicians that way!).

I wonder if my ex-boss has come across this piece of news. Years ago, when our entire team had been to France for a project presentation, I was afraid he would lose all his teeth - because he kept gritting them every time anyone spoke in French! :-)

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