Thursday, December 24, 2009

Do you know where I want to go on my next vacation? The forests of Pandora :-) Boy! Haven't I fallen in love with the glowing flora, canopy of trees and delicate shimmering creatures floating through air near the magical tree!

If you said "huh?", then you haven't watched James Cameron's latest offering - Avatar - yet. A little confession is in order from my side though. When I first noticed the movie posters, I mistook it for another B-Grade Hollywood fare - featuring out-of-control vampires or werewolves rampaging through American metros - with an exotic sounding Asian title :-) Then I noticed James Cameron's name and wondered why this dude is associated with such a flick. Of course, was just a click away so I soon knew how wrong I was.

I won't waste time on the plot because every kid in the neighborhood knows it. My verdict can be summed up like this - Amazing Graphics, an apt message (very relevant in view of what did and didn't happen at Copenhagen recently!) and good storytelling (aren't we Indians fond of good-triumphs-over-evil stories?)

On the flip side, at 162 minutes, it seems a tad too long - for a Hollywood movie that is. :-(

But as the Americans say, I ain't complaining :-) I was too happy gazing into Sam Worthington's (Jake Sully) cool grey eyes ;-)

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