Monday, November 23, 2009

The Appeal - by John Grisham

I have always loved John Grisham novels. And this one reminded me of the movie Erin Brockovich. ‘The Appeal” begins when the Mississippi jury is on the verge of returning a verdict on a much-publicized fight between David and Goliath. On one side is a giant of a chemical company that has been accused of polluting a small town's water supply by its irresponsible dumping of carcinogenic waste. And on the other is a 5-people firm that is representing one woman in that town - whose husband and child have died of cancer – at the cost of half a million dollars’ debt for its 2 owners.

David wins again when the jury slaps $41-million on the chemical company. Its CEO, however, is determined not to let the company go down in a flurry of class-action suites. ‘The Appeal” tells the story of how he sets to go about it with the help of a corrupt senator.

Though the review on Amazon accuses Grisham for his one dimensional characters, I suspect that he hasn’t been very far from truth. And the truth is, as more often than not, horribly unpalatable!

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