Monday, November 30, 2009

26/11 came and went. As promised to myself, I neither read any newspapers nor tuned in to any Indian news channel. It would have been too painful to read about the innocents who lost their lives - especially because one of the perpetrators is still alive and kicking. I would have so loved to read that kasab has been hanged till death on the same day.

It was no comfort that the bodies of the other slain terrorists are still rotting in some morgue. I wonder why the authorities are spending tax money of hard-working Indians to keep them and not dumping them instead in the No-man's-land' between Indian and Pakistan. Why should we pay for the upkeep of the remains of these cowards? Let the birds feast on them for all we care.

A friend sent an SMS yesterday which so poignantly describes the innocents who have died world over because of some fanatics who don't have anything to do but blow up people and property.

मिटटीका जिस्म लेके पानीके घरमे हू
मंजिल है मौत मेरी हर पल सफरमे हू
होना है क़त्ल ये मालुम है मुझे
लेकिन ख़बर नही की मै किसकी नज़रमे हू

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