Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sometimes you come across some news that fills you up with anger and sadness at the same time. I was reading an article in Mint about how the collapse of Lehman affected the diamond industry in India. At the top of the article was a photo of a chubby baby – 7 months old – along with his mother. She is a widow – her husband, who was a diamond polisher, couldn’t find it in him to fight when life started him in the face with a Rs 4 lakh loan and no job. So he decided to consume pesticide and die in the arms of his wife who was pregnant with their second child.

What a loser! I wish he had died before fathering two kids and leaving his wife with a difficult if not an impossible job of bringing them up single-handedly. And I hope life treats the wife and the kids fairly from now on. Only if wishes were horses :-(

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