Friday, September 18, 2009

Cattle Class Minister

I am not sure why everyone is flogging poor Shashi Tharoor for referring to "Economy Class" as "Cattle Class". He just voiced out aloud what the rest of the politicians must surely be thinking in their minds.

It's no secret that the Indian politicians have always considered themselves to be a superior breed than the general populace. Why else do you think they zoom about in their important looking cars escorted by police when the rest of us are left to stew in the endless traffic jams in their wake? Why else would they be reluctant to leave their VIP suites and move into bungalows that haven't been painted recently while a significant part of the populace is staying in structures that can barely be called homes?

The best way to show who's the boss to these idiots pretending to be running our country is to refuse to accord to them the superior status:

- Say no to Hordings that show smiling ministers from every nook and cranny of our country
- Say no to their public meetings that are meant for muscle-flexing and nothing else
- Say Yes to voting only for honest people
- Say NO to "Yes, Minister"!

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