Thursday, June 4, 2009

The movie reminded me of Ooty - because of the mist. The mist at Ooty rolled across the valley, over the tree tops and made me feel happy and sad at the same time. The mist in the movie however, was sinister. It brought with it death and disaster. I am referring to the 2007 movie "The Mist".

The storyline is pretty simple. A small town is picking up the pieces after a storm topples over tree houses, plays havoc with the electricity and sends the trees flying through the windows. The residents driving to the grocery stores to stock up on provisions are puzzled to see the army trucks from the nearby scientific base leaving the town. And then they notice the mist- rolling towards the town.

As the residents are wondering about it while picking up bread and butter, a man storms into the supermarket - claiming that he saw one man being dragged by something huge that came out of the mist. And the battle begins - which ends with a twist in the tale.

A note to fellow Indians - since we have grown up on a diet of movies with a "And they lived happily together thereafter" kind of endings. You might not like the end that Stephen K has planned for this one!

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