Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Shahrukh "bubblehead" Khan

Can someone please tell Shahrukh "bubblehead" Khan that just owing a team doesn't make him an expert in cricket? And just what does he mean by saying that he bought the team and would run it the way he wants? What if he goes 100% mad tomorrow (as against 99.9% as of today!) and asks his players to play with baseball and bat? How about playing in dhoti and kurta for a change? Or maybe, in between overs, his KKR players could dance to the tune of "dard-e-disco"? When is this idiot going to realize that being a rich dude doesn't automatically make him an expert on anything?

I think he is better off being a "bhaand" as he called himself a few years back and should confine himself to exhibiting his six pack set and monotonous one-track acting for the benefit of his blind fans. Please leave the brainier stuff to the experts SRK, you don't and will never belong to that category - whether you are the owner of K-K-KKR or not!

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