Friday, March 20, 2009

I must confess that most of the times the contents of the “Cosmic Uplink” column in Economic Times are beyond my comprehension. :-) But once in a while, there is a good story to be read in it. That’s how I came across the story of the Duck Hunter.

There’s a duck hunter who goes in search of a good dog to retrieve the ducks he has shot. He finds one and the seller claims that the dog can walk on water. The duck hunter buys the dog and sets out on his hunting with a friend.

He shoots a duck and orders the dog to retrieve it. The dog walks on water and brings the duck back. The hunter can hardly believe his eyes. He turns to his friend and asks him if he saw what the dog just did. The friend calmly says “Oh yes, looks like your dog cannot swim!”

Moral of the story – people don’t believe in miracles even if they are staring them right in the face!

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