Sunday, November 30, 2008

10 items or less

Nope, I am not describing the last checkout counter at the neighborhood supermarket. This, believe it or not, is actually a name of a movie. I came across it during my recent channel surfing. When I first saw Morgan Freeman, I almost pressed the button to change the channel because I thought it was “Bruce Almighty” and I was terrified I might catch sight of Jim Carrey twisting his face in yet another impossible way :-) It took a second to realize, however, that this was a different movie.

Honestly, I don’t have a clue as to what this movie is about. I plan to look it up on But when I chanced on the channel there was an interesting dialogue going on when Morgan Freeman asks the young lady with him as to what she would choose if she could only keep 10 things or less from her life. She rattles off her list and then he does the same. This set me thinking about my list and here it is:

- Family
- Friends
- Health
- My passion for reading
- My love of mountains and forests
- My hair (I know it’s a pain despite all the conditioner I heap upon it on a weekly basis but I wouldn’t trade my curls for anything under the sun!)
- My dimples (Hey, not many people have such cute ones!)
- Love for and ability to walk miles without getting tired
- Compassion
- Sense of humor (Friends claim I have it and who am I to disagree with them?:-))

So, what’s on your list of 10 items or less?

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