Sunday, October 13, 2019

My Podcast List - 1. BBC’s Witness History

Since childhood I have loved history, and hated it. I loved to read about people & events but hated memorizing the dates. History slipped out of mind after getting into college, it wasn’t part of the curriculum.

Lately I became re- interested in history. Reading has always been a passion but it is hard to find time to read, and harder to find history related books in the library (not to mention finding a library!). Then I discovered Podcasts. My phone didn’t have memory for an additional app so I used to listen to downloaded episodes while commuting.

One such podcast was BBC’s Witness History (as it’s called now). Every week (Mon-Fri) a separate historic event (political, religious, cultural, medical etc.) is covered in each episode, which is about 10 minutes long – easy to consume when you have a few moments to spare. The narrative is crisp, to-the-point and yet, manages to be full of details. The cherry on the cake is that we get to hear original recordings & opinions of those who witnessed these events (hence the name!).

My new phone is big enough to store a herd of dinosaurs & more. Though I listen to a lot of podcasts on an app, Witness History remains the favorite.

I have fallen in love with History. All it took was one podcast. And the rest, as they say, is history :-)

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