Sunday, May 14, 2017

Supernatural, S12, E21

If I were one of the Winchesters, I would have put a bullet into Lady Bevell the moment she said that they had Mary on their team. God! She is simply insufferable! How I wish that Dean had landed a solid punch at her face at least. Later I hoped that Ketch would do the honors. But no such luck. I guess the prospect of being locked inside the bunker with her would be far more intolerable for the Winchesters than water and air being cut off. But something tells me that Mary is only pretending to have turned. I hope she finishes Ketch and Dr. Hess both by the time the Season Finale ends. I don't relish the prospect of seeing any more of the British Men Of Letters in the next season. I will prefer Lucifer any day.

Speaking of Lucifer, I didn't turn a hair when he shot Crowley. He was double-crossing the Winchesters. Plus he was getting too smug about having Lucifer under his thumb. Got his just desserts, I say. But I suspect that we haven't seen the last of the King Of Hell. He is in that rat somewhere. Wonder how he is going to explain to the Winchesters why Lucifer isn't in the cage.

As the Season Finale looms near I am getting the sinking sensation that Mary isn't going to be with us for long. Now that she has killed a fellow-hunter, who also happened to be a friend, the possibility that she will kill herself or die saving her sons is veering towards 100%. That makes me very worried about Sam - he is going to take it very hard.

P.S. I wonder if we are ever going to see, in this season, the 'consequence of cosmic proportions' that the Reaper Billie had promised.

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