Sunday, August 28, 2016

The other day, on one of the Whatsapp groups, someone fowarded a new take on the tale of Mahabharata. The Pandavas symbolise your five senses - sight, smell, taste, touch and sound. And the Kauravas represent 100 vices that attack your senses everyday. The key point is that your senses can fight these vices if you let Krishna, who symbolizes your inner voice, ride your chariot i.e. your life. So why did Drona and Bhishm, the elders who were supposed to uphold truth and justice, join the Kaurava camp? Because they were not perfect and had their faults, just as the elders do in real life. And you may find yourself fighting them for the greater good.  Karna is desire, the brother of the senses. He is part of you but stands with the vices. He feels wronged and makes excuses for being with the vices, just as your desire does when it gets the better of you.

Very interesting, huh? I know. Pretty convincing too, I bet. But doesn't it sound too paternalistic? How can you explain what happened to Draupadi using this framework? I put the question to the group but got no answers.

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