Monday, February 1, 2016

Into the Mystic (Supernatural, Season 11)

To be frank, I was dreading this episode. With Lucifer out of the Cage possessing Castiel, the clueless duo of Dean and Sam fighting their own demons and Crowley cowering in a corner, things couldn't have been more dreadful. I totally pictured Lucifer running amok on earth killing innocents and having a hell of a time. But thank God, someone out there had a sense to lighten things up a bit with a case. Under the normal circumstances, I would have balked at the episode in which a banshee played a central role - it is too mundane a supernatural force by the series' standards. But I ain't complaining - no sir, not a word of protest.

That said, I wasn't able to understand how Sam guessed that Eileen was deaf. Frankly, with Sam suspecting her my needle of suspicion pointed to Mildred - despite her claims of not seeing or hearing anything. I am also not sure how the angels have figured out that Lucifer is possessing Castiel now. I wish one of them would inform the Winchesters. In the meantime I keep wincing every time Dean talks about this attraction between him and Amara.

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