Thursday, December 17, 2015

Supernatural, S11, E9

Okay, I might have said this before and I will say it again - I seem to lose the plot entirely when it has biblical references.

Does God have a sister as per the Bible? What does she mean when she says that in her creation the world would be a blissful place? Will everyone in it be without souls? Doesn't sound like a nice place to me. I laughed out aloud when she touted one of its USPs as the place without any rules. Sounds very much like the world that we all live in - the one created by God :-) At any rate, I am not too thrilled about her hitting on Dean.

And just exactly what is going on between Sam and Lucifer? Is this series trying to portray Lucifer as gay? If not, why the references to sharing a berth inside the cage? All that explanation about the darkness damaging hell's defenses sounded like a lot of baloney to me. Surely Crowley would have caught on to it sooner or later.....unless he was in on the plot and that seems unlikely. I wonder what weakened the spells cast by Rowena. I suspect that she has done it to curry favor with Lucifer.

It might not be such a bad idea to shut her up forever in Lucifer's cage in the Season Finale. If Hell and Cage haven't tamed Lucifer, this surely will :-)

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