Friday, August 22, 2014

It was a routine trip to the nearest bank branch. I had multiple errands to run on that Saturday morning so I was in a hurry. As I collected the slip for the transaction the bank employee asked me sweetly if I had any plans for investment.

'With a bank? Over my dead body!' I would have liked to tell her.
But out of politeness I added meekly 'Not for the moment'.
'We have a great product' she said, undeterred.
'Do you now? What a surprise!' I thought to myself but didn't say anything.
'----- will explain it to you' the lady smoothly handed me over to her minion. I felt sorry for that young guy. He knew and I knew that I wouldn't buy the product even if my life depended on it. But he had to carry on for the sake of his job. And I had to listen because I didn't want to be rude.
The plan turned out to be a combination of insurance and investment, as expected.
'I am not looking for any insurance' I blurted out. The guy looked momentarily taken aback. Probably he was trying to remember the counter-argument to that, if he was taught any.
'That's okay, there is the investment part'.
'Huh? Why would I want to pay for something that I don't need?' I wanted to ask him. But I held my tongue and listened.
'If you give me some time, I will be able to explain in detail' he said and I jumped up with joy. 'Sure' I said and got out of the bank as fast as my legs could carry me.
The next week the guy called me.
'Hey sorry, but I am not planning on making any investments in near future. But if I do, I will surely get in touch' it is easy to lie on phone, isn't it?

A couple of days later I ended up at another branch of the same bank for an altogether different transaction.
'Do you have any plans for the surplus amount in your account?' the guy at the counter asked and I had to try hard not to roll my eyes all the way into their sockets!

Monica Halan has written an excellent article on similar experience - A hunt for PPF that leads to toxic sales pitches

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