Friday, August 16, 2013

I happen to be one of those who cannot tolerate too much blood on screen - real or fake. So I was pretty apprehensive about watching the program on the functioning of Medicity's ER. I couldn't watch the Monday episode. But fortunately for me, there was no blood involved in the cases shown in Tuesday's episode. One was a lady in her late 50s who experienced a sudden numbness in her limbs and passed out on her way to hospital. She was lucky to have arrived when she did because according to the doctors, if she had got delayed by even 5 minutes, she would have been dead by the time she reached. Though she was in coma for a considerable length of time, no damage to her brain could be detected when she regained consciousness. The causes, I believe, were diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure.

The other case was of a doctor working in the same hospital who had some blockage in his heart and had to be operated upon as soon as he started complaining about chest pain. Makes you wonder - if the doctors who are trained in body functions and what all can go wrong with it cannot detect these things, there's no wonder that people who are not doctors don't realize that they have a heart problem.

It's true that the key to good health is right eating, exercise, stress control and routine checkup.

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