Tuesday, January 8, 2013

While waiting for the bus on most mornings, I have observed a very disturbing trend among the motorists. They no longer wait for the signal to turn green. In the best case scenario, they keep inching along till the signal changes and then zoom away. In the worst case, someone, usually a biker, is the first one to ignore the red signal and race away. Soon the rest follow suit. There is absolutely no regard for the hapless pedestrians who happen to cross the road at the same time. And if any motorist, with perhaps some ounce of civic sense, does not cross the line, the rest are prompt in honking loudly as if he/she is committing a sin by waiting for the signal to turn.

Why are we always in such a tearing hurry? Why can’t we wait for just a few seconds? Why do we always need someone to monitor us to make sure we fall in line as if we are in Kindergarten school?

Why can’t we follow rules when no one is looking?

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