Saturday, December 31, 2011

Whisky in Food

I have read all the previous issues of Mint's Indulge - despite the fact that it is meant exclusively for men. This week, however, I picked it up and put it down almost immediately because the latest issue is all about - Whisky! Needless to say that chef Madhu Menon's column 'Whisky in Food' was the only one I went through and liked :-)

Here's a note for the Mint team - you have been very unfair to the fairer sex. Why not have similar series of Indulge meant for us women? I can think of so many subjects for the articles - from the ones traditionally considered as 'feminine' like jewellery, perfumes,Kanjeevarams, skin care to more 21st century ones like food (and not cooking!), offbeat careers, books, hobbies, and so on and so forth...

There is one request though, if you ever get around to actually bringing out this issue, please name is something other than 'Indulge'.

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