Monday, August 22, 2011

Stanley Ka Dabba

I had never even thought that any child could turn up at school without a dabba of home-cooked food. When I was a kid, everyone in class always had one. Watching "Stanley Ka Dabba" yesterday, however, was an eye-opening experience.

It took me through a rainbow of emotions. I smiled when I saw the class full of students taking down notes and fighting over desk space. Sometimes it does feel like I went to school a century ago. :-( I remembered the teachers very similar to Mrs. Iyer and Miss Rosy. Fortunately, there wasn't anyone like Mr. Verma. :-)

It tore my guts out to watch little Stanley guzzle water to avoid hunger pangs as his friends opened up their tiffins during lunch break. It was easy to guess why he wasn't bringing any but when the movie confirmed my worst suspicions, it was very hard to keep my eyes from tearing up :-(

It felt good to see the kids rally around Stanley. Wish we could all retain the innocence and good cheer that we seemed to have in abundance during childhood but have a woefully short supply of when we grow up.

It wasn't however clear as to why Mr. Verma never brings his own tiffin. And the end left me vaguely wondering if it was right to glorify 'spinning a yarn', though done innocently.

A wonderful thought-provoking movie!

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