Monday, August 2, 2010

I just received an SMS from my mobile service provider. I am informed that my bill for July has been delivered to the billing address. The Service Provider has also suggested that I switch to receiving my bills on the email and has provided the instructions on how to go about it.

I am cursing those who are in charge of taking care of this paperless billing. I had switched the facility on months back and was delighted to see the bill in my e-mailbox rather than in the physical one. This joy, however, was short-lived. Barely a day went by before I saw the bill in the daily post. :-(

I don't have the heart to talk to their customer service people and point this out. But this does indicate that there is a disjoint somewhere between different departments of their business. I hope and pray that some customer, somewhere, with loads of patience, will call them one day and set this right.

Till then, I will have to reconcile myself to not being as eco-friendly as I would like to be :-(

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