Wednesday, October 7, 2009

After 62 years and despite the 55 Crores, our poor cousins from across the border still behave like a good-for-nothing younger sibling who never stops saying that he gets sidelined because of his mighty elder brother.

The case in point is the recently concluded Champions Trophy where a wrong decision by the umpires saw Akmal march towards the pavilion, much to his chagrin. After seeing the footage, the umpire in question has admitted his mistake. But now the earlier generation Pakistani players are alleging that since Pakistan doesn't wield as much clout as India when it comes to the International cricket scene, they are being treated unfairly. They say that if an Indian player had been given out by mistake, the resulting uproar would have resulted in the dismissal of the umpire!

Wait, don't laugh your guts out yet. There's more to this saga of the Champions Trophy. It seems that an investigation is in the offing across the border because someone has alleged that the Pakistani players purposefully lost their match against the Aussies so as to edge India out of the tournament!

62 years and you are yet to grow up?

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