Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sometimes you come across some news that makes you wonder whether you should laugh or cry.

Two days back I read that the Conservatives in the US are up in arms against the president for some speech that he made at some school extolling hard work and perseverance. According to them he is trying to indoctrinate the students in his “Socialistic” thoughts. What has hard work and perseverance got to do with Socialistic views? I don’t have a clue. I wonder if Mr. Obama is also scratching his head at the Oval office :-)

The other news that made me gasp in sheer perplexity was about some parents who made sure that their precious offspring arrived in this world on the auspicious day of 9/9/2009 – at 9:09am. I felt sad for the tiny ones who were yanked out of the comfort of their mom’s womb just because their stupid parents believed that the child would be blessed with good fortune if he/she is born on an auspicious day!

The parents didn’t even spare a thought that by this atrocious act they could be permanently harming their child’s immune system. What has this world come to? :-(

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