Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Auschwitz - Murder and Intrigue

I have stopped wondering about what makes me sit glued to the TV anytime any program about the Nazi era is aired on the History Channel - especially since every time I am filled with so much of revulsion as I watch it. :-( Last night it was "Auschwitz - Murder and Intrigue".

The sepia-tinted photos again. Long queues of hapless people - with kids in tow. Make your heart twist in pain. I can't imagine what made the Nazis think these people were a threat to their Fatherland. And then the survivors speak - about the painful period 60+ years ago. They tell you how they were separated on arrival from train, how some of them were marched straight to the gas chambers and how they lost their entire families because some weirdos thought they should be eliminated.

And then one guy talked about how he killed one German - possibly a convict - who was in one such train journey with him. When the unseen interviewer reminded him that it was a murder, he shrugged and said "So what? They killed so many people and I killed one German!" Somehow I couldn't disagree with him. :-(

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