Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I guess there is no stopping me when I start writing about the advertisements that make one wonder if one is watching the program during a break from ads. :-) Though most of these ads fall in the annoying category, here are some which I absolutely adore:

The first ad that comes to mind is that of Brooke Bond Red Label. There’s this snooty daughter-in-law who while drinking a cuppa asks her ma-in-law if theirs was an arranged marriage or a love marriage. Evidently, she knows that the chances of a love marriage at their time are close to nil. The spunky ma-in-law, however, without batting an eyelid, replies that it was, of course, a love marriage. People pause halfway through their sips and the father-in-law too looks amused.

The ma-in-law further explains - with tongue firmly in the cheek - that she was looking out the window when her husband came to her home on the wedding day, their eyes locked and there was love so of course it was a love marriage. :-) There is laughter all around. What has this got to do with tea, you ask? Nothing, I agree. But I like the mother-in-law’s attitude and I am willing to try out a cuppa of Red Label just for that :-)

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