Friday, October 10, 2008

Every time there is a calamity the media can be seen in full force interviewing every Tom, Dick and Harry who was evenly remotely involved with it. I wonder what made them miss a key segment when it was found that the people behind the latest bomb blasts were not the madarassa-schooled, illiterate muslims as so many of us naively believed. This key segment is the colleagues, the sub-ordinates and the bosses (I am all for 360 degree feedback!) of the masterminds.

I cannot begin to imagine the shock these people must have received when they found that the people who they saw for the better part of their day, who they shared their lunch with, who they possibly talked to about the blasts over a cuppa tea in the office canteen - were the very architects of these blasts. Were they taken aback? Did they feel cheated? Did they wonder why couldn’t they spot it earlier? Did they tie this up with some vague suspicions felt earlier? And the most important question of all - would they trust any other Muslim colleague again?

It’s possible that the companies concerned have barred their employees from talking to the press. But the media, for once, has missed a chance of thrusting their microphone in the face of someone and posing their classic “How do you feel now?”!

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