Wednesday, May 21, 2008

When I checked out the date of my last posting here I realized that I have been absent for almost 2 weeks :-( It wasn't that I didn't have anything to write about but I guess it was nothing short of pure unadulterated laziness. And I guess after 4-5 days of inactivity there was apathy as well. I mean, who cares whether I write or not. There is hardly any feedback on this site.

Then suddenly today I found some free time on my hands. That plus what a dear friend wrote once in an email. He had said that he writes solely for himself - for the joy of expressing himself. I don't see what could be a purer reason than this.

Those of you who have seen the movie "Abhimaan" might remember the dialogue between Amitabh Bachhan and Jaya Bhaduri when they meet for the first time. She tells him frankly that she doesn't like some of his songs. He says that he doesn't like some of them either but has to sing them because people like such songs. Surprised, she asks him whether he sings to make people happy. Now it's his turn to get surprised as he wonders why else would he sing. She simply says that she sings because she feels happy doing it.

Likewise, I should write because I feel happy expressing myself. :-))

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