Monday, May 5, 2008

US Prez Bush seems to be having yet another of his “Foot-in-the-mouth disease” bouts, if his latest pearl of wisdom - that the Indian middle class is responsible for the worldwide food crisis – is anything to go by. He argues (in a very illogical way that has become his hallmark) that since this considerably sized middle class is now prosperous it is demanding more nutritious food thus sending the prices soaring. More nutritious food? What do you think we were otherwise eating, Mr. Bush? Stacks of hay? Roots dug out of ground? Ants, maybe? Do you still believe “Mr. President” that snakes and tigers roam about the streets of India? Can you point out India in the world atlas for me, please? :-)

Oh and you seem to have conveniently forgotten that China is the most populous country in the world. Or don’t the Chinese eat nutritious food? Wonder what the Chinese Premier will think of this. And what about your favorite people on the planet - who you called “Pakis” in another of your “Foot-in-the-mouth disease” bouts - Mr. President? Don’t they eat?

Forget about the Chinese and Pakistanis (BTW, this is what the people of Pakistan are called, in case you haven’t still got it!), Mr. President. Do you know what bio-fuel is? Do you know that the land that was earlier used for food production is being increasingly used for cultivating bio-fuel? What do you think that could be doing to food production and hence to food cost? C’mon, I will give a penny for your thought!

At this rate, sooner or later you will blame the Tatas for soaring oil prices. I can see your reasoning (or lack of it). You will say that the Indian middle class now wants to travel in style, so it is buying more cars that it can now afford thus sending the oil prices soaring.

The entry of Nano will no doubt result in more consumption of gas and probably a rise in its price but the Indian middle class won’t be single-handedly responsible for that. Just as the increase in their food consumption might have contributed to the food crisis but is definitely not its root cause.

Don’t you realize this, Mr. Bush? Or is this is a smokescreen to divert attention from the brink of recession that the US seems to be tottering on? Or are you feeling left out because everyone these days seems to be talking about only Hillary and Obama? Any publicity is good publicity, is that it?

There is a saying that it is better to keep quite and let people wonder about whether you are a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubts. Obviously, Mr. Bush has never heard of this one. But then, there wasn’t any doubt anytime either :-)

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