Saturday, March 15, 2008

Little professor Morrie might have answered all of Mitch Albom’s questions on life. But I still have a long list of questions of my own that didn’t get answered. Maybe I need to look for a professor Morrie of my own for the list is getting bigger each year:

Why does death frequently knock at the doors of those who have so much of life ahead of them and ignore those who have been praying for death?

Where do we draw a line between being contented for what we have and being complacent?

When we get along well with those who were perfect strangers till the very previous day is it because we knew them in some past life?

Is there such a thing as pure evil? If not, why do some people come so close to being it?

Should you listen to your heart or your brain?

And the billion dollar question - How much of money is really “enough”? :-)

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