Monday, January 21, 2008

Digital Fortress

I had been searching for it for days in the library but finally could lay my hands on it last Monday. I am talking about Dan Brown’s Digital Fortress! Ideally I would have liked to read it in one go but life turned busy the way it does when you want to do something important. :-) So it was late night Friday when I turned the final page.

The final climax was so nail-biting that I was snapping at any family member who was trying to strike a conversation while I was reading it. Finally, I was left in peace in hopes that I will return to civilized world after finishing the book :-) Return I did – with the feeling that Dan B didn’t have to stretch the climax so much. I rather doubt if it’s possible for any human being to remain so ultra-cool under so much of stress the way Susan and others do in the end. Oh and talking of Susan, was there really any need to make her so breathtakingly gorgeous? Was there any need to describe her looks in the first place?

But maybe I am being vindictive here because it was quite a blow to my super-sized ego that I couldn’t understand some of the Cryptography terms though I am from software industry :-((

In any case, now I have read all 4 Dan Brown books. Time for celebration :-)

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